“IMPACT: Emerging Leaders Fellowship”, the project for the Jewish leaders of tomorrow

WhatsApp Image 2022-07-25 at 14.49.29

Applications for the second edition of the “IMPACT: Emerging Leaders Fellowship” by B’nai B’rith International and the World Union of Jewish Students are now open.
The project, which will last 6 months, consists of various two-hour sessions with experts and professionals in the fields of diplomacy, journalism, anti-discrimination, genocide prevention and Israel advocacy, helping Jewish students or young professionals to develop their leadership, engagement, advocacy and diplomacy skills in order to make a positive impact in the world.

“We really look forward to the second edition of the IMPACT Fellowship, as we truly believe that this program can inspire the leaders of tomorrow throughout our skill development and global networking opportunities.
After our successful first edition with 20 global Jewish young activists, we are very excited to build our second cohort!”, said the WUJS Fellowship Manager Caterina Cognini.

The specific topics covered during the program are:
– Advocacy 101: training and skill-building
– Civic engagement and coalition building
– Anti-Semitism on Campus
– Anti-Semitism Online
– Israel delegitimization and how to address it
– Implications of the Abraham Accords
– Shifting dynamics and alliances on a global stage
– The Shoah and Genocide Prevention
– Jewish Engagement and the Environment

For the complete list of confirmed speakers and applications: https://www.bnaibrith.org/global-advocacy/impact-emerging-leaders-fellowship/

Applications will close on Friday, August 5th, 2022.
For further informations contact: [email protected].


L’Unione Giovani Ebrei d’Italia coordina ed unisce le associazioni giovanili ebraiche ed i giovani ebrei che ad essa aderiscono.



Organo ufficiale di stampa dell’UGEI è HaTikwa, giornale aperto al libero confronto delle idee nel rispetto di tutte le opinioni.
