Chile: shameful antisemitic advertisement. FEJJLA and FEJJ Chile: “We want excuses and an investigation of the responsible”


On 11 July, an advertisement for the company importer and distributor of alcoholic products “Arbol Verde” was published in the Chilean newspaper ”Las Últimas Noticias “. The aforementioned company, in order to promote its products, used an image with an anti-Semitic background, portraying the classic stereotypical figure of a greedy Jew with a hooked nose.

Immediately came the reaction of the FeJJLA, the Federation of the Young Jews of Latin America and of FEJJCHILE,the Federation of the Young Jews of Chile, which asked, through a joint statement (in photo), not only for a formal apology, but also for a formal investigation within the group responsible for the decision to promote their business by “emulating images seen in Nazi Germany”.


The two organizations also communicated their disappointment to the newspaper that gave space to the ad, writing: “By publishing these images, you are telling the public that you lack empathy toward the Jewish people. This is unacceptable. The cartoon you published was used in Nazi Germany to demonize Jews, and it shows several antisemitic stereotypes. As such, we ask that you are held accountable for said actions and apologize to the members of the Chilean Jewish Community.”


L’Unione Giovani Ebrei d’Italia coordina ed unisce le associazioni giovanili ebraiche ed i giovani ebrei che ad essa aderiscono.



Organo ufficiale di stampa dell’UGEI è HaTikwa, giornale aperto al libero confronto delle idee nel rispetto di tutte le opinioni.
